Monday 17 June 2013

Spanish broken eggs

Steak egg and chips is a well known pub-lunch at the start of the month. At the end of the month, loose the steak, and you get this. The Spanish calls it broken eggs, I call it delicious, and very easy to make. You end up looking like a pig when eating it though; you'll have the last bit of sauce with a piece of bread, it is that good.  Good thing you're a bachelor.
Spanish broken eggs

   2 x medium size potatoes (medium = smaller than your fist)
   2 x eggs
   cooking oil (about 1 liter)
   balsamic vinegar
   salt & pepper

How to Make:
Cut chips, do not peel the potato (too much work), just wash them.  Heat the cooking oil in a pot and add the chips.  Timing is everything with this dish.  Wait until the chips start to float, this is a good sign that they are ready to eat (about 10 minutes).  Only then break the eggs into a pan.  Immediately take the chips out of the oil, straight into the serving plate and add salt and vinegar.  Add more vinegar.  The egg will be about 45 seconds in the pan and still runny on top, turn it around and count to 10.  Throw it on top of the chips, still very hot, no mess, no fuss.  Add salt, vinegar and pepper to taste.  Switch off the stove - you do not want to burn the place down!

Grab a fork and dig in.  Eat from the bottom upwards, dipping the chips into the sauce. The yolk and excess vinegar add special taste. It goes down very well with a beer or a cider.

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